"Wade Guyton's paintings are ostensibly black monochromes. Made with an Epson large format printer in the same manner as the paintings he has been producing for the last years, these works are printed on pre-primed linen intended for oil painting and not inkjet printing. As such, the images, marks, and letters Guyton continues to employ are absorbed into the porous material and disperse the ink rather than allowing it, as in his previous works, to "sit on the surface." Upon discovering this difference in the ink's interaction with the surface, the artist began to overprint his own paintings with a Photoshop-drawn rectangle "filled" with the color black. By repetitively overprinting, an unexpected painterly process developed. As each piece is created, they transcribe a visual record of the printer's actions: the trace of movement of the print heads, the varying states of their clogged-ness, the track marks of the wheels on wet ink all mixed with the scratches and smears on the paintings from being dragged across the floor to be fed back again into the printer." - Friedrich Petzel Gallery. See more;